Jayne Armstrong
Jayne Armstrong is an artist and maker in wood, best known for her thoughtful, modern, functional and sculptural pieces turned on a lathe from freshly cut oak.
Working with green wood enables Jayne to explore the sculptural and aesthetic possibilities of material that moves and changes shape as it dries. Her pieces are often turned to 1 millimetre in thickness before being left to dry and take their form naturally. Once dry, Jayne bleaches, stains, burns, embellishes, oils and waxes to create work that challenges expectations of the material.
Jayne also works with seasoned wood to create unique and distinctive sculptural forms as well as functional vessels and platters. Whether from green or seasoned wood, each piece starts life on a woodturning lathe and importantly for Jayne, much of her wood is sourced locally. Some from her garden which she cuts and chainsaws herself or from local friends and neighbours, giving each of her beautiful pieces a story – rooted in time and place.